A collection of photos of all my currently painted models (and unpainted raiders). Click here.
There are actually three raiders, but two are identical. The unique one is that which has all the extra bits on it. The little spikes on the sides are a huge pain in the ass to attach, but my succubus has to ride in style, you know?
Most models are primarily just a black undercoat. Some have had chaos black directly applied if necessary. The highlights are liche purple. I tried hawk turquoise and blazing orange highlights as well, but settled on liche purple for the darker coloration. This is what pushed me towards my background fluff.
The bronzy parts are just that: dwarf bronze. Such parts on the bikes and warriors were also washed with watered down boltgun metal to dim the color a bit, while the wyches keep a brighter color. All dark eldar skin is done with dheneb stone, while the flesh tabards are, somewhat ironically, elf flesh.
The wyches in my list are split into two squads. They can be distinguished by hair color: one blue, one orange. The succubus, while riding with the orange squad, has her hair painted half with each color. There isn't a succubus model out, so I went for the Lelith Hesperax model, making this the only non-WYSIWYG model in the army (being modeled without an agoniser).
Speaking of agonisers, I agonised (hurr hurr) for some time over how to paint these. The 'Eavy Metal team has all kinds of crazy lightning shit painted on theirs and that is FAR beyond my somewhat limited capabilities. In the end I decided to paint them with dheneb stone and then slather watered down hawk turquoise all over to create what I had hoped would appear to be an uneven, flickering coat. It's not perfect but I'm satisfied with the results.
I still haven't decided what to do with the bases. I feel like painting them green might take away from the darkness of the models, but that does seem to be how most of the tables at my hobby shop are set up.
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